
Community Iftar

The University is having an Iftar organised by the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy and Students Union. Thursday 21st April from 7.30pm to 9pm with be a community Iftar. Arrival between...

Faith Awareness Trip

Faith Awareness Trip is now available for students and staff. Only limited space are available so book as soon you can.

Vaisaki Celebration

This year as we approach the spring festival of Vaisaki on 14th April, there is an air of optimism, possibility and collaboration. Vaisaki is the Spring Harvest Festival...

Ukraine Support

       Ukraine Support

Lincoln Faith Directory and Ethnic Shops

The city of Lincoln has places of worship. Students and staff of the University make a great contribution to the richness and diversity of the life of the...

Witham House Tour

Tours of the Witham House, next to sports Centre. Maximum numbers per tour: 6 A full video tour of the Witham House includes prayer rooms, ablutions facilities, herb...

Helpline Numbers

Here is a helpline numbers list of organisations who will do their best to help. MIND (The Mental Health Charity) Website:  Tel no:   0300 123 3393 Mind...

Service of Lessons and Carols

Lincoln Cathedral are offering BSL interpretation at their popular ‘Service of Lessons and Carols’ on Thursday 23rd December at 4pm. It features readings and music sung by the...

Yule Celebration:

Students and Staff are welcome to celebrate Yule with local Pagan group Lindum Circle on Saturday, 18 December from 1pm to 4pm, in the Isaac Newton Building atrium....

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

December 2nd is International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. Today marks the day of the adoption, by the United Nations General Assembly, of the conventions for the...