Pagan Chaplain

Melissa K Wheeler

Melissa “Mel” Wheeler is an Eclectic Pagan, following the spiral path for over 26 years. She is originally from Greenwood, Indiana, emigrated to the UK in 2001, and has called Lincolnshire home since 2005.

Her first experience in Pagan groups was volunteering with One Earth, One Tribe in Indianapolis, from their inception until her emigration. She now is an active volunteer with the Pagan Federation England and Wales, starting from 2014 as the Regional Coordinator for Lincolnshire, and now as the Local Coordinator for the City of Lincoln, and as the national District Liaison Officer. Outside of the Pagan Federation, she is one of the organisers for Lindum Circle, an open family-friendly moot and ritual group that she started with a friend in 2012. She is occasionally contacted to lead funerals, naming ceremonies and hand-fastings as a celebrant.


Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP