Muslim Chaplain

Mrs Ghada Mohamed, Muslim Chaplain

Ghada is an active member of the Lincoln Muslim Community and various voluntary groups and organisations such as the “Muslim Sisters Forum” and the “Interfaith Forum”, among others. She loves helping and supporting people and the community in general. She helps organise and coordinate various activities within the community including fun days for children, Qur’an competition for children, fund raising for different charities such as Heart foundation, Children wards. Ghada is an Acupuncturist (BSc Acu). She was a founding member and the first Vice President of the Islamic Society of Lincoln. Ghada also holds various other degrees including BSc in Social Work and a PGCE in Higher Education.

Mobile: 07772770680

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP