Like the month of Ramadhan the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the twelfth month Dhil Hijjah also holds special significance for Muslims around the world. This month...
Passover is a time for friends and family to come together as a community and celebrate. This year, however, things have obviously been quite different. Many Jewish communities...
This Vaisakhi has been an opportunity for quiet reflection. The time during the current lockdown has provided space and time away from the usual daily routine to connect...
Ramadhan, the holy month for Muslims, will be starting on Thursday 23rd or Friday 24th April. Ramadhan is a month that Muslims all over the world look forward...
Alleluia, Christ is Risen. He is risen indeed Alleluia. Amidst these unusual times we find ourselves in, it is important to hold on to the Easter mystery. The...
Here is the link to download our Chaplaincy Focus Newsletter. There are limited printed copies available and if you would like a copy please email your name and...
Here is the link to download  our Chaplaincy Focus Newsletter. There are limited printed copies available and if you would like a copy please email your name and address...
Here is the link to download our second issue of chaplaincy focus newsletter. There are limited printed copies available and if you would like a copy please email...
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy
Witham House, Next to Sports Centre
Lincoln LN6 7BP