
Like the month of Ramadhan the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the twelfth month Dhil Hijjah also holds special significance for Muslims around the world.  This month is the month wherein the blessed rituals of hajj are completed.

One of the five pillars of Islam, the Hajj, is required for all Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking it at least once in their lifetime and is usually one of the world’s largest religious gatherings.

However, this year only up to 10,000 people already residing in Saudi Arabia will participate in the five-day pilgrimage, a tiny fraction of the 2.5 million pilgrims from around the world that attended last year.

For those who are not partaking in Hajj the days of Dhil Hijjah are still revered.  Muslims will try to increase their worship and spend these days with voluntary fasting.

The tenth day of Dhil Hijjah marks the day of Eid-ul-Adha, which is the second major annual celebration for Muslims.

The day starts with special prayers in the mosque, similar to the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr upon the completion of the month of Ramadhan.  The praises of Allah (god) will be recited before and after the prayer.  Thereafter we Muslims would normally visit friends, relatives and members of the community.

Since mosques around the UK re-opened their doors on 4th July in accordance with government guidelines but the daily prayers have been conducted in an unconventional manner.  The prayer of Eid-Ul-Adha will be no different.  Social distancing guidelines along with other measures are, and will, continue to be in place.

Imam Atikur Rehman Patel, Muslim Chaplain


Multi-Faith Chaplaincy wishes you all a very blessed Eid-ul-Adha

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