Witham House

The University of Lincoln Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, based in Witham House, is a facility used for worship, prayer, interfaith discussion and hospitality by the diverse student body.

Witham House has four principal objectives:

  • To provide the spaces necessary for different religious groups to pray, worship and explore their faith together on campus.
  • To be a centre for interfaith dialogue and common endeavour that seeks to address the religious tensions of today’s world.
  • To be welcome and hospitable to all.
  • To provide a reflective space on a hectic campus where both students and staff can take time out, away from noise and the stress of work either individually or in organised meditations, prayer, meetings and so on.

Registered University of Lincoln Students’ Union Faith Societies committed to principles of interfaith understanding are welcome to use the space for their meetings. Please contact the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy for more information.

Quiet/Meditation Rooms (WH0005/6)

Spaces for any member of the university to use for reflection, meditation, prayer or just to sit quietly.

Muslim Prayer Room (although this is a Multi-Faith space and can be used by other faith groups with notice)

Brothers in WH0003

Sisters in WH0004

A space for Muslim prayer and reflection. There are also male and female ablution facilities available at Witham House.

Interfaith Library

WH0017 is available as an Interfaith Library where members of the university can pop in anytime. There is a small collection of religious books as well as wellbeing journals. If you wish to borrow a book, please complete a ticket with your details and those of the book borrowed.


Mothers are welcome to breastfeed in Witham House – please feel free to use any room. See the weekly room use sheet on the red notice board for room availability.

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP