Roman Catholic Worship on Campus

Location:  Witham House, LN6 7BP.  The building is by the Sports Centre.

Body:  We meet every Tuesday at 5pm in term time in WH0001 in Witham House for prayers, refreshments and social time together.  

We pray Evening Prayer of the Church, the Rosary or have Lectio Divina (scripture meditation) and once a month Fr Eddy Jarosz celebrates Mass.  

All are welcome, staff and students alike.  If you are just interested in praying or being a Christian, you can find a welcome with us.  Our parish is St Hugh of Lincoln LN2 5AQ,   Contact the Catholic Chaplain, Helen Townsend, or

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP