Alicia Armsworth, Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Administrator
Hi, my name is Alicia. I have been in this role since August 23 and am finding my feet. Although I love admin and am quite organised, it is quite different to my previous role. I started my working life with Lloyds Bank where I worked for 11.5 years then took 10 years out to raise our two sons. I then went back to work at a veterinary surgery. It was a family run firm for my first 12 years then, during Covid, was sold to a corporate company. Things changed, both at work and for me and I decided time was right for a job change so here I am! I volunteer with the Lincoln Sea Cadet unit just over the other side of the Brayford. I run the PFA, am the Treasurer (each unit is its own charity, and we are the only cadet force that are not subsidised by our parent organisation) and often cook for residential weekends held at our unit. I love reading and gardening. I also like to cook and am trying to find a good recipe for keto bread due to dietary requirements in our household.