LDS Faith Advisor

Dr Casmir Maazure

Hello everyone.

I am extremely excited and looking forward to meet each of you. To get to know me, I am Dr Casmir Maazure, your LDS Faith Advisor. For the past 14 years, I have worked in a university environment, assuming various roles ranging from teaching, management, counselling, and other services that support students.

Outside teaching, learning and student support, I have records of success engagement in fix-term project management roles, planning and implementing organisational strategies and years of experience training teachers to take-up teaching profession. I also have extensive experience performing research and analysis advising leaders of public sector organisations on Information Technology and Creativity in Design.

Although I like the various roles or jobs, I have had in the past, at the present stage of my career, none of these roles excites me most than the opportunity I now have to serve in providing pastoral care and spiritual guidance and to also support students and the staff who may have various challenges on faith-related struggles. I have a particular passion for engaging in a service offering based on gospel principles that is representative of a broader faith community, missionary work, and community development based on sound ethics.

The Faith Advisor role mission resonates well with my faith-based service, the anchor on integrity, honesty and due diligence principles. I’m, therefore, really excited about this opportunity. On a concluding note, I am of the belief that the job description is a good match with my religious upbringing and years of experience working with students and staff in the university environment. Therefore, this position is a great fit for my skills and goals and I look forward to work with each one of you in the coming days. Cheers!

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP