Multi-Faith Chaplaincy & Spiritual Support

We can provide a wide range of practical and spiritual support and resources to students of all faiths or none across our campus.

Our team of chaplains from most major church denominations can help you with:

  • Pastoral and practical support for life issues big or small
  • Settling into your home and community
  • Exploring your spiritual needs and support for your faith journey
  • Understanding the value of your work and its spiritual significance
  • Enquiry, questions and learning about faith
  • A place of safety and/or prayer at moments of personal crisis and stress
  • Spiritual guidance, mentoring and prayer support
  • Support with diverse issues relating to your faith and university life

Need to talk?

You can meet a chaplain during term time to talk about issues such as:

  • Bereavement and loss
  • Faith
  • Health
  • Money and debt
  • Relationships
  • Stress
  • Work, organisation and deadlines

We offer help, advice and confidential listening. Chaplains see you on a one-to-one basis and if needed we can connect you with other students services or local agencies.

Finding support

At the University of Lincoln we take a positive view of the role religion can play in individual and community life. But religion can also have a damaging effect. In addition to the support and advice provided by the Chaplaincy, the University of Lincoln has two support services that may provide you with appropriate support if you’re having concerns or difficulties in relation to a religious community.

Student Wellbeing

The Student Wellbeing Centre is home to dedicated professional staff who support you before and during your studies. The range of support services they provide includes:

Disability Service

If you have a disability, learning difficulty, mental health or medical condition, the University’s Disability Service can provide you with advice and guidance on accessing support.

Student Counselling Service

Counselling is available from a team of professionally trained counsellors who are experienced in helping people with a range of personal issues and difficulties.

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP