Mrs. Nina Chapman, Lay Hindu Chaplain
I worked as Head of Finance/Financial Controller of Ealing Homes and Ealing Council until 30 April 2013, having started employment with the Council on 14 November 1988.
I was responsible for budgets exceeding £97 million with a team of 24 staff. The successful management of these budgets was a key factor in Ealing Homes achieving 2 stars and unlocking funding for decent homes.
I fostered positive working relationships with teams and stakeholders which led to my being shortlisted twice and then winning Accountancy Age Public Sector Team of the Year.
Subsequently I have worked as a member of the Safer Neighbourhood Board (SNB) in Hillingdon being the Vice Chair. My knowledge and presentation of a scheme project enabled Hillingdon to secure funding for their campaign.
A key factor for members of my team was coaching and development of a diverse work team assisting them to grow and achieve their goals.