Eckankar Chaplain

Mrs. Liz Mallett

I moved to Lincolnshire in 2018 with my husband, two children, father and two cats. I have been a librarian all my professional life, and currently work in the Library here at the University of Lincoln.

During my teen years I was looking for spiritual truth. I had so many questions about life, and a yearning for divine love. I came across Eckankar, and found that it answered all my questions and helped me to connect with the source of divine love within myself. It both inspires me and helps me stay balanced in every aspect of my life.

I have been involved in ECK classes, meetings, seminars and other events over the years. I offer regular meetings for university staff and students which will be announced via the usual online channels.

After years of training I became ordained as an Eckankar Cleric in 2012, and an ECK Spiritual Aide in 2015. An ECK Spiritual Aide (ESA) is a member of the ECK clergy especially appointed and trained to meet with individuals who wish personal spiritual assistance. An ESA session, though not counselling, can help you find your own answers in challenging situations through the personal guidance of Divine Spirit. It is of a sacred and confidential nature. An ESA does not offer advice but simply listens as a vehicle for the Holy Spirit.

In my role as a chaplain at the University I am here for anyone who would like to talk about life and spiritual matters, no matter what their faith or belief.

I look forward to meeting you!

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP