Brahma Kumaris Chaplain

 Brahma Kumaris Chaplain

 Ms Carole Glover

Although my primary focus was Fine Art until 1994, since becoming involved in a peace group in the conflict in Yugoslavia, my attention was been re directed towards world peace.  My specific interest is in healing the emotional wounds of victims of  war violence.

This change of direction brought me to the Brahma Kumaris in 1996 and in 1997 I became a teacher of ‘Positive Thinking’ and additional spiritual approaches to healing both human hearts and this world in which we live.

A life of gardening naturally led me to become involved in the B.K.s ‘Green Team’, of which I am a member.  Our philosophy recognises that human thoughts, emotions and actions all have a profound effect on our entire environment and therefore the  wellbeing of our planet.

As each one of us learns to be peaceful, caring, and powerful, through our connection with the infinite power of Supreme Soul, we are enabled to heal the world as well as ourselves. To empower others as well as myself, has become my purpose, through the sharing of knowledge, and teaching Raja Yoga meditation.   Our belief is that ‘when I change, the world changes.’

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University [UK]

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University [UK] teaches Raja Yoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life.

The University provides opportunities for people from all walks of life, religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learn skills of reflection and meditation based on Raja Yoga philosophy, which can help develop inner calm, clear thinking and personal well being.

Raja Yoga is an ancient system of meditation that helps you understand yourself better, find clarity and power to improve the quality of your life and connect with the Divine.

Positive Thinking as a course taps into the natural positivity of the mind to become a master of your thoughts and feelings, and finishes energy-draining self-talk.

It enables you to discover your own value, protects you from negative and stressful influences, and enables you to recognise the role of expectation in creating stress.

It enables you to make right choices, to maintain inner balance and know the true you. The course is offered here in Lincoln by Carole Glover who has been teaching for the Brahma Kumaris for 23 years.

Previously she taught in Nottingham and for 17 years in Skillington, where she also had a Peace Garden.  She has also given talks and courses throughout Europe as well as the UK.    Carole is a member of the Brahma Kumaris ‘Green Team’ UK.  The ecology is a major factor in Brahmin life style, as is living in balance and harmony with all forms of life.

The University is part of a world wide net work of over 8,500 centres in more than 100 countries, the first of which was founded in India in the 1930’s

To find out more you can go to:- bramakumaris UK