About us

A support service for students and staff of all faiths and none.

The Chaplaincy service is committed to working with students and staff of different faiths and none; and making the University a place of religious tolerance and respect.

Coming to University can be a very important time in your spiritual life. For some, coming to University is an exciting step that helps you own your faith personally; for others, being separated from your faith community at home may be a very daunting prospect.

The Chaplaincy is here to support you, no matter what your background or faith and will support you in your journey of faith, your practice of your own faith, or your exploration of faith. You can come and pray, meditate or talk things over with the Chaplain, regardless of your religion.

The Chaplaincy has strong connections with the local community and its communities of faith, and can advise on local places of worship, student faith societies, and how your faith interacts with your academic life.

The service provides a multicultural and supportive environment, so whoever you are and wherever you are from, you will always be welcome.

You can contact a Chaplain by calling +44 (0)1522 886079 or email chaplaincy@lincoln.ac.uk.

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Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP