Earthquake in Turkey and Syria

The devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria has wrought destruction and tragedy on a massive scale.  Footage from the affected areas has brought the pain and loss of thousands of people to the rest of the world, showing how connected everyone is in the modern world.

Out of the tragedy the human response has been inspiring.  Experts from Lincolnshire have travelled to Turkey to assist in rescue efforts, as have teams from many other countries.  The sense of mutual responsibility, solidarity, and practical help have shown the best of the human spirit and values.

The effects of the tragedy have reached beyond the extent of the earthquake, and members of the university community with connections to Turkey and Syria are faced with the trauma of loss and destruction.  The Multi-faith Chaplaincy is here to uphold anyone affected who feels the need for spiritual support.  There are chaplains and faith advisers from a number of traditions who are available to support you in the midst of this tragedy.

An interfaith vigil service will be held on Wednesday 15th February at 12 noon, outside Minerva building, University of Lincoln, Brayford Campus.

We welcome members of the University Community along with Multi-Faith Chaplaincy to show solidarity with the people of Turkey and Syria and for hope in this difficult time.

There will be an opportunity to donate whatever you can afford, for the rebuilding of homes and lives in these countries.

We would like students, faculty, staff and community members to remember all people whose lives are touched by natural disasters and offer prayers to those affected.

You can also leave your personal message or thoughts for the people affected.

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House, Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP