Here is your 2022 Guide to Christmas service and support, in this time of difficulty and uncertainty here some religious or spiritual support to offer you.
MFC will be closed for Christmas and New year but if you need to contact a chaplain or faith adviser please do. For emergency contact to the Chaplaincy ring 07500910372
Clive Tully, the Baha’I faith Adviser is available for pastoral support during the holidays email
Become a Light to the World.
- All are invited to an online conference which will stream until January 31st There will be uplifting musical performances and inspiring spiritual stories from speakers around the world. Looking at how events in your life are connected to a divine plan, how your dreams can be a source of inner guidance and exploring the transformative power of HU can help you be a light of love in the world. For more information and to register, please visit
- Liz Mallet is available for pastoral support in the holidays
If you need support, please contact Multifaith Chaplaincy Humanist advisor Katie Hunt
- The Multi – Faith Chaplaincy Jewish Fsaith adviser Richard Dale will be available for support please email
- There is also a celebration of the festival of Hanukkah at Witham House on 17th of December at 11am.
Methodist Church:
- The Methodist church has a number of carol service and a Christingle happening this year.
- At Burton Rd Methodist Church there is a Christingle on the 11th at 6pm, this would be suitable with families and students.
- Moorland Park Methodist Church on 18th at 10.30 and is a carol service
- Bailgate Methodist Church on 18th at 4pm a carol concert
Orthodox Christians:
If you are wanting support during this support, please contract Carl Christopher our lay Orthodox Chaplain – and on 07783095792.
Roman Catholic:
Helen Townsend our Roman Catholic Chaplain is available on 01522 528961 email address
If you want a chat, need support and a connection to the Sikh community Jasmine Sodhi the Sikh faith Adviser is available for support during the holidays email her on
Immanuel Evangelical Church
The following service will be happening over Christmas on the 18th of December at 3pm followed by refreshments. On the 25th there will be a service at 10am and on 1st of January at 10.30 as well. All students and staff are welcome.
contact details are Website: , Email: or call us on 07864036885
External links:
City of Lincoln Council
If you need help from the food bank, please contact city of Lincoln council on 01522 881188 or 87332 for food vouchers. If you need a food a food parcel from the food can please call for a referral. They will be closed from 23rd to 28th of December and 30th – 31st for new year.
Lincoln Hygiene Bank:
If you are needing personal hygiene products please go to the Lincoln Hygiene Bank. The last session will hopefully be 20th December at All Saints church, Monks Road 11-1. Will reopen on 3rd January at All Saints Church 11-1. For more information please email
Night light café:
Offer mental health support
Pleases call them on 0300 011 1200 or message us on our Facebook page and someone will get back to you. Our cafes are open for varying hours between 4 – 11pm
If you need support outside the cafes opening hours you can call either Samaritans on 116 123 or the Mental Health Helpline 0800 001 4331
Mint lane cafe
involve@Lincoln https:www.
Lincoln Mosque
Lincoln Cathedral
Lincoln Salvation Army
Bridge church https ://www.
Alive church
Mormon church