Lincolnshire Humanists Event

All non-religious students, staff and members of the community are welcome to an event organised by Lincolnshire Humanists next Saturday (3rd). Two local humanist celebrants, Douglas Duckworth and Adam Jacobs, will be sharing their experience and knowledge of conducting humanist funerals, weddings and naming ceremonies, and talking about their work as secular pastoral carers. Their talk is at 2.30pm on Saturday 3 December at Witham House, the chaplaincy building on campus. It is free to attend, and there will be hot drinks and snacks available. You can register at

are a new social group for atheist, secular and other non-religious locals to meet and exchange ideas with likeminded people. For more information, join the Facebook group at, follow them on Twitter at, or email Kate at

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House, Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP