What is Mitzvah day?
Mitzvah Day is an annual day of faith-based social action that takes place in November each year, across 36 countries.
On Mitzvah Day each year, community groups and individuals of all faiths and none, come together to undertake a range of volunteer projects for those in need in their local community.
This year, the Lincolnshire Jewish Community has chosen to work in the university Peace Garden (with help from the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy) on Sunday 20th, from 1.30 pm – 4 pm.
We will help clear leaves and plant 1,000 bulbs in the Peace Garden. Refreshments will be available.
Richard Dale, Chair of Lincolnshire Jewish community said “This is an opportunity for us to work together for the good of the community.”
Carole Glover said “Gardening is a wonderful way to connect with nature and experience physical and emotional help. The reword will be the blossoming of flowers in the Peace Garden and welcome to the Spring”.
This Peace Garden provides a space in nature for students, staff, and their guests be away from the noise of the day, to meditate, contemplate or even pray.
If you are able to come for even 10 minutes, please pop in to help out.
Please contact the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy on chaplaincy@lincoln.ac.uk if you want to be part of Mitzvah Day.