Rosh Hashannah

Rosh Hashannah is Hebrew for head of the year. Rosh is Hebrew for head, ha means the and shanah means year. Jewish New Year. The Biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah – day of shouting or blasting. This is the first of the Jewish High Holy Days that are in Autumn. In Jewish prayer books Rosh Hashannah is also known as Yom Hazikaron – the day of remembrance.
New year for people, animals and legal contracts. This is day for calculating calendar years.
Rosh Hashannah is a two day celebration that begins on the first day of Tishri – marking the start of the civil year and is the traditional anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve – the creation of man.
Customs of Rosh Hashannah include sounding of the shofar – a cleared out ram’s horn. It is prescribed in the Torah to raise a noise. Rabbinical customs include attending Synagogue services as well as reciting special liturgy about teshuva and enjoying festive meals. Symbolic food is eaten like apples dipped in honey – evoking a sweet new year.