Rangjung Yeshe Gomde UK Net Zero and Beyond: Our Journey to a Carbon-Neutral Future

David Greenop, Buddhist Faith Advisor is inviting us to an event which is organised by the Buddhist Centre near Doncaster that he is associated with.

Special Webinar: Thursday 5th August at 7pm to 8pm BST.  There is no charge to attend, and everyone is welcome.

Rangjung Yeshe Gomde UK Tibetan Buddhist Centre owns and manages the Lindholme Hall Estate located in the centre of Hatfield Moor, which lies within the Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve and is designated as a Special Area of Conservation.

Since the Dharma Centre opened 11 years ago we have halved the carbon footprint of the Centre; a track record that has been achieved by step-by-step improvements as the Centre developed.  Galvanised by the climate emergency and seeing what is now within our reach, we have recently created a plan for net zero carbon emissions, which we would like to share with others.  

By becoming carbon net zero Gomde UK hopes to demonstrate a clear commitment to getting ahead of the challenge to help prevent catastrophic climate change and to become an inspirational, real-life example of living sustainable and caring for our increasingly vulnerable environment. 

For further details about what has been achieved so far and our ambitions for a carbon-neutral future please visit:  https://gomde.uk/environment 

To register for the Webinar:  https://gomde.uk/webinar-net-zero-and-beyond 

Speakers include:  Murray Rudd, Environmental Economist;  Louise Hill, Consultant Ecologist;  David Benjamin, Gomde building project manager;  Erric Solomon, Dharma teacher and co-author with Phakchok Rinpoche of Radically Happy: A User’s Guide to the Mind.

If you want to know more about this event or about the centre get in touch him at chaplaincy@lincoln.ac.uk

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House, Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP