it is good to talk-talking is better than worrying

The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy at the University of Lincoln is here for all staff of all faiths and none. The university is diverse and multicultural and so is the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy. Chaplaincy is still active and working during this time of uncertainty–Chaplaincy still has a valued virtual presence on campus but for now Witham House remains closed. We have a team of Chaplains and Faith Advisors representing all faiths and none and they are available during this time of COVID-19. They can be contacted via email or phone and can arrange a Zoom or Teams call for a virtual meeting. We are here for you for spiritual support and guidance, confidential chat, friendship or an opportunity to talk through your concerns and worries at this time.

For any support you need please contact Subash Chellaiah, Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Coordinator, and he will offer you the support you require or put you in touch with the relevant Faith Advisor or Chaplain and if you need further support we will signpost you to it. We are all living in uncertain times, so much has changed and there is still so much unknown as to the future, it is good to talk-talking is better than worrying, so please get in touch.

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP