Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Events 21-26th November 2016

Witham House (002)


Prayer Rooms/Quite Room

Opens Monday – Friday

7- 9 pm



Daily silent Meditation

8.30 am – 8.45 am



Chaplains-8Muslim Chaplain Pastoral Drop in

Time: 10 – 11.30 am

WH0001 (Pastoral Meeting Room)


Chaplains-10Orthodox Christian Chaplain Drop in (Fr George)
Time: 1 – 3 pm
Room: Pastoral Meeting Room


University of Lincoln Interfaith Forum

Time 4 pm – 5 pmInterfaith forum


University of Lincoln Inter-Faith Group is aimed a promoting communication and education between faith groups on campus; supporting students, of all religions and none, to practice their beliefs; and to celebrate the religious and cultural diversity of the University of Lincoln




20150426_154658_10 (2)Catholic Chaplain Drop in (Helen Townsend)
Time: 12 – 1 pm
Room: Pastoral Meeting Room

Meditation for All led by Helen Townsend, Catholic Chaplain
Time: 1: 15 – 2 pm
Room: WH003


hinduHindu Society Weekly Aarti’s (Prayer) Meeting
Time: 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Room: WH003



Coffee and Chat

Time: 10 am – 11 am

Venue: Pastoral Meeting Room (WH0001)

All Welcome



Chaplains-6Muslim Chaplain Pastoral Drop in (Ghada Mohammad)

Time: 11 am – 12 pm

WH0001 (Pastoral Meeting Room)



Transgender Day of Remembrance Service


TDOR service is remembrance for Transgender people that are killed throughout the world each year. The service is happening on 23rd November starting at 7pm in The Platform (In the Students Union building). This is a Multi-Faith Service and open to all of any faith and none and the service will be followed by a talk from Jess Bradley on action for Trans Health, and a candle light vigil. The whole event will be finished by 20:30 pm.




Multi-Chaplaincy Stand in the Atrium


For any faith related or chaplaincy questions or to learn about the Chaplaincy services we are in the Atrium on Thursday 24th between 9 – 5 pm as there will be a Chaplain/Faith Advisor to answer any questions. You can pick up leaflets about Chaplaincy. See you there!



Chaplains-2Chinese Christian Chaplain Pastoral Drop in (Nancy Ng)

Time: 10 – 1 pm

WH0001 (Pastoral Meeting Room)




Friday Prayer (Jumu’ah)
Time: 1 pm – 2 pm
Room: BH0101 (Bridge House).




Lincoln Interfaith Forum Peace Walk 

Lincoln Interfaith walk 2016

We will be gathering at 1.45pm in front of the Cathedral (main entrance) then walk to the Synagogue at Jew’s Court, and go on to the Mosque.  We will then walk down to the Friend’s Meeting House for a cup of tea, listen to a talk on the work of Compassionate Lincoln, and after that we will have refreshments.

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP