Interfaith Forum

Interfaith forumThe University of Lincoln Inter-Faith Group is aimed at promoting communication and education between faith groups on campus; supporting students, of all religions and none, to practice their beliefs and to celebrate the religious and cultural diversity of the University of Lincoln ā€” it is convened by the University Chaplain and has five purposes:

  1. To generate cohesion between groups on campus
  2. To promote a dialogical approach to faith in the modern word, between faiths and with secular disciplines.
  3. To collaborate in shared concerns, both of advocacy for religions perspectives and in the pursuit of justice and peace.
  4. Work together and to celebrate the religious festival on campus.
  5. An annual interfaith awareness trip during the national interfaith week

If you want to join the forum please express your interest at

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

  • Witham House
    Next to Sports Centre
    Lincoln LN6 7BP